ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
Designing for connection @ work
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
How leadership, communication and data now must connect us to the people we work with, the mission we’re on and the work itself
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Exclusive content and
inspiring guests
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
David Cancel
CEO, Drift
5X founder
“I've concluded that 99% of what makes businesses successful comes down to people”
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
Advita Patel
Director, CommsRebel Founder, A Leader Like Me
Helping you think differently about the way you communicate with your workforce
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
Andy Kirk
Data visualization consultant and lecturer
A true expert who has served Google, Hershey and McKinsey - plus trained thousands
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Why this matters so
much right now
Countless studies have shown that human beings are fundamentally social animals. We have an innate desire for deep and meaningful connections with others. But now that our office is a door away from our beds, and our work and personal lives blend into one, the need to belong and feel at home while being at work is ever more pressing.
Besides social interactions, another form of connection is essential in the modern workplace: to engage with the work we do. We yearn for purpose and to have rewarding careers where we can stay motivated, take ownership, challenge our abilities, deliver impactful projects and grow. Simply put, we need a strong bond with our work.
Reboot is created to provide an open space for real discussions about connections in our professional lives - with the people we work with, the mission we’re on and the work itself.
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Getting real about
connections at work
Throughout this one-week expedition, you’ll get to explore what it means to:
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
Lead and nurture a workplace where people can build meaningful connections with others and their work
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
Communicate and deliver messages within your company in ways that make people sit up and take notice
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
Build effective data narratives around the company’s work so people can draw on these stories to do their best work
Each day will deliver a piece of the bigger puzzle
So exactly who is this
experience for?
Well, this might just be for you, especially if…
  • You’re a leader who wants to foster an engaging, motivating and collaborative company culture
  • You aspire to make your internal communications rich and engaging
  • You believe in the power of data to help people do their best work
  • You want to awaken your sense of belonging and reclaim your ability to create lasting relationships at work
  • You’re interested in unearthing new approaches to working that complement and enhance life instead of complicating it
  • You love learning and being exposed to new ideas
  • You enjoy virtual handshakes, drinks, and conversations with other curious, driven, and inspiring individuals
  • You’re a die-hard ScreenCloud supporter (totally optional)
In short, if you believe connection is the key to helping people thrive and organizations succeed, join us at Reboot!
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
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Who’s putting all this
together and why?
At ScreenCloud we believe connected companies have an unfair competitive advantage. But it’s not enough to facilitate this through solutions - people also need to feel connected to their companies. That’s why we created Reboot.
ScreenCloud Reboot Virtual Event
We love sharing stories about connection and much more. Why not head to our blog for some light related reading? Perfect to get you pumped for Reboot. Read more about the event, our connected company newsletter and how to engage remote workers
Learn about us